A person is stacking coins on top of each other.

Utilizing Brokerage Platforms for Custom Portfolios

Modern brokerage platforms offer advanced tools for creating and managing custom stock portfolios. These tools allow you to buy and sell entire portfolios, rather than handling each stock individually. This streamlined process makes portfolio rebalancing—adjusting the composition and weights of your stocks—much easier. By using AI Investor 360’s custom portfolios with these brokerage tools, you can effectively manage your investments and take on the role of your own portfolio manager.

Building Your Custom Portfolios

Based on your investment preferences, you choose which AI Investor 360 portfolios to invest in for AI stock analysis, as well as the amount you wish to allocate to each portfolio. We recommend starting with an investment amount that you are comfortable with and gradually increasing it over time as you become more experienced in managing your custom portfolios. At present, we offer two distinct investment portfolios: High-Growth and Dividend-Growth.

A pen and calculator on top of some papers
A green piggy bank sitting on top of a calculator.

Recommended Brokerage Account Platform

Fidelity’s “Fidelity Basket Portfolio” has set the standard when it comes to enabling customers to build and manage their own custom portfolios. For the cost of $4.99/month, any Fidelity customer can sign up for their basket building and management tool. For more information, visit Fidelity Basket Portfolios | Customized investing | Fidelity Investments (note: AI Investor 360 is not compensated in any way by Fidelity).

Log into your Fidelity brokerage account and sign up for Fidelity’s “Basket Portfolio” service (cost is $4.99/month). Be sure to watch the Fidelity videos that demonstrate how the basket portfolio tool works.

Setting Up and Launching Portfolios

For each AI Investor 360 portfolio you wish to invest in, start by creating a draft basket. Input the portfolio stocks along with their respective percentage weights, specified to one decimal place for precision. Once you’ve entered all stocks and their weightings, carefully review your selections to ensure accuracy. If you intend to invest in the same portfolio across different investment accounts—such as a rollover IRA and an individual account—you must create separate draft baskets for each account.

The video below demonstrates how to set up a custom portfolio containing two stocks, VKTX and ERIE. It then shows you to launch this portfolio by investing an initial amount of $4,100 in the portfolio.

A woman shaking hands with another person at a table.